Slice of LIfe- Planning for Pancakes


This Saturday the Royalston Community School will be having the first annual Chet Hall Scholarship Fund pancake breakfast.

Dedication: So many times in life we think we understand what dedication is, yet when the going gets tough we turn our backs. Chet Hall was never that guy. To understand Chet, you had to understand what the Royalston Community School is all about. To Chet, the Royalston Community School meant community. Whether it was spending a Saturday dumping wood chips around the playground equipment, painting the soccer goals and hanging up the nets, assuring the field was properly lined, or going up on a 30 foot ladder taking care of a bee hive because of one kid who had a serious bee allergy. To Chet, the Royalston Community School was home. His kids went there. His wife works there. He made sure every kid got a nice breakfast, lunch, and shared in a hardy handshake before they left. As we sat in the meeting tonight discussing his pancake breakfast, just under two months from his passing, the donations and support started to roll in. Donations from his good friends who he never turned his back on and they will never turn their back on him. Sausages, pancakes, three different kinds of maple syrup, fruit, juice, plates, butter, a bicycle, gift cards, and hundreds of other items, all from people who wanted to give back just a little bit for a guy who gave so much. When I first became the principal at RCS, Chet told me I would fit as comfortable as a glove…but using his Chetisms. He told me to give back the school to kids. Make it be the place everyone wants to go to. And most importantly love the school the same way he did. For the past two years it has been an honor to be the principal there. So this Saturday we will be eating pancakes, sausages and pouring the maple syrup from his trees. No one would have enjoyed this breakfast more than Chet because this is exactly what he loved…community.

6 thoughts on “Slice of LIfe- Planning for Pancakes

  1. We were all blessed to know him. His incredible wife Sheila, and sons, Chet, Dylan, and Garrett, exemplify what family is all about, love, caring, respect, and a willingness to continue what he stood for, loving life, helping others, and preserving what Royalston and Royalston Community School stand for, a community that is safe, warm, friendly, with open arms to anyone that visits our town and walks through our doors.

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